2015-05-05 16:20:27
Tacoma Law Day 2015 Jeremy Stilwell
2015-04-27 12:07:05
Basic Training for New Board Members
2015-04-27 11:40:57
They're Called Minutes (and not Hours) For a Reason
2015-04-27 11:38:22
Reasonable Reactions: Rulemaking and Rule Enforcement
2015-02-07 10:01:26
Negotiations & Contracts and Robert's Rules
2015-01-15 11:12:55
WSCAI Managers Only Meeting
2014-11-08 14:17:58
New Developments Affecting Declaration Amendments, Rental Restrictions, and FHA Certification
2014-10-31 10:24:32
Common Interest Community is a key defined term. The UCIOA differentiates between Condominiums, Plat Communities, Cooperatives and Miscellaneous Communities.
2014-10-31 10:23:35
A presentation discussing strategies for rule enforcement.
2014-09-26 11:13:09
In a recent case in point Associate Attorney Jim Guse took the lead in successfully briefing and arguing a response to an insurer's summary judgment motion where the insurer sought to defeat coverage under its policy for the developer. The court found in favor of coverage for the developer on the basis of our arguments and articulated a number of key principals that will hopefully streamline responses to similar motions in the future.