About Our Firm

Bo Barker founded the firm in 1983. Today, our firm practices across the Pacific Northwest with ten attorneys and an equal number of experienced support staff. Although initially focused exclusively on condominium construction defect claims in Washington, Barker Martin has evolved into a full-service litigation and association general counsel firm. At Barker Martin, we are Focused, Responsive, and Proven.


Representing associations is what we do. Unlike larger law firms with multiple unrelated practice areas, Barker Martin’s entire practice revolves around the representation of homeowner associations and preservation of their rights. Because we concentrate on these issues on a daily basis, we can more efficiently and proactively assist our clients


At Barker Martin, we know that efficient case management and timely communication is important to our clients.  That’s why our clients have access to a team of professionals specifically assigned to handle each particular matter.  Clients and managers can talk directly to an experienced lead attorney, assisting attorneys or any of our dedicated support staff about pending matters. This team approach ensures that our clients are informed every step of the way so we’re ready to resolve your issues at the earliest possible date.  That’s responsive.  


When we say Barker Martin is proven, we don’t just mean we get results. Anyone can provide a list of past cases with “typical” recoveries, but the truth is, no case is typical. Our specialized experience gives us the unique ability to recognize and take advantage of the particular circumstances of each matter to get the best results for each client. Barker Martin has a proven reputation for getting results that actually mean something to the homeowners we represent. Just ask them.